Jerome Sahyoun from Morocco who likes to BASE jump into waves. Yeah, you read that right.
Category: Insights
Surf by day, jam by night
One of Australia’s most successful blues musicians, he got to where he is today by relentlessly chasing his goals and the things that make him happy.
Surfing, brownies, and the universe calling
Many years back, George left the relative safety of the corporate world to pursue his passion and start a business with his wife.
Sea Level
It came as no surprise when Ziggy Alberts told us surfing has been a part of his life since before he can remember.
Cat of Nine Tale
We pose nine questions to Eddie Wearne, the cool cat of Shed Nine down in Rye, Victoria.
Behind the Lens
I hear Mickey Smith’s narration repeating in my head throughout the day – “If I only scrape a living, at least it’s a living worth scraping. If there’s no future in it, at least it’s a present worth remembering.”
The Road to Patagonia
Made by an Aussie who set out to surf the west coast of the Americas, this doco features awe-inspiring shots of beaches in the middle of nowhere, but it really is a lot more than that.
Do Your Thing
There’s a few people who cross into our path that make us go, “Yes, that’s Smorgasboarder. That’s the grassroots surfing community and everything we hope to celebrate in this magazine of ours.”
Life as a professional kiteboarder with a medley of passions, each as thrilling and colourful as the next, must be nothing short of a wild ride.
Kale Brock
Surfing often lends itself to many branching passions. That’s why we endeavour to explore everything we can in Smorgasboarder, from travel, photography, health and journalism to coaching, film, nutrition and art.
Sweden to Spain By Sail
This is the story of a young Aussie who sailed through the North Sea, eight-metre tides and the busiest shipping lane in the world only to be (temporarily) arrested in Spain.
Gun Show – Carry A Big Stick
Well, when the swell climbs above 10ft, you need something with a fair bit of bloody force — a big stick just like these magnificent big wave guns.